Understanding the Godhead
Table Of Content
Part 1: Non-Biblical Concepts
1. The Importance Of Verification
3. Incarnation vs Omnipresence
5. The Difference Between Manifestation And Incarnation
Part 2: Jesus Then – Jesus Now
2. Jesus: Immortal God or A Hybrid?
4. So Where Is The Human Soul & Human Spirit of Christ?
6. Does the Human Spirit of Christ exist and what distinguishes it from the Spirit of God?
7. The Divine Nature Of Christ
Part 3: Understanding Expressions
4. From Heaven, From Above, From God
5. I Am From Above, I Am Not Of This World
6. “…purchased with his own blood” (Acts 20:28)
7. “For I Came Down From Heaven” (John 6:38)
9. In The Form Of God (Philippians 2:6)
10. In The Beginning
12. Jesus Appearing Before God (Hebrews 9:24)
13. Verses Where “He” & “Him” Should Be Referred To As “It”
14. Understanding The Phrase “In the Name of..”
15. King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Part 4: Understanding The Math
1. Are Jesus and God One and the Same Person?
2. Are There Two Lords? Prove It! (Jude 1:4)
3. I And My Father Are One (John 10:30)
4. That They May Be One In Us (John 17:21)
6. Three That Bear Record In Heaven
7. And These Three Are One (1 John 5:7-8)
8. How Can Three Be One? (1 John 5:7-8)
9. And One Sat On The Throne (Revelation 4:2)
11. Comparing Oneness of God Diagrams
12. Oneness of God Diagram Full Comparison
13. The “UNTRUTHFUL” Comparison of God & Jesus
14. One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism
15. The second man is the Lord from heaven – 1 Corinthians 15:45-50
Part 5: Understanding The Family Of God
3. Father and Son – The Relationship Between Jesus And God
4. God’s Brethren or Jesus Brethren?
5. Brothers and Sisters with Christ
Part 6: The First Adam, The Second Adam
1. The First Adam, The Second Adam
Part 7: Names
2. The Pronunciation History Of Yahweh to Jehovah
3. The Pronunciation History Of Yahshua to Jesus
4. God’s Titles; The Difference Between God and Jesus
5. Was God’s Name Forbidden To Be Spoken?
Part 8: The Bible Concept of Time
1. Before Abraham Was I Am – John 8:58
2. The Bible’s Concept Of Time – How Individuals Existed Prior To Birth
3. Man’s Perspective vs. God’s Perspective Of Time
4. Is One Day A Thousand Years? (2 Peter 3:8)
Part 9: Is God And Jesus The Same Person?
1. Is God And Jesus The Same Person?